“The Quest” is a unique and permanent light sculpture installed at the Hennessy headquarters in Cognac, France. Designed by the London-based creative studio Marshmallow Laser Feast, it is composed of hundreds of crystal-like shards. A robotic arm with a powerful flashlight moves inside the structure and illuminates each shard to reveal its structural “DNA” in the form of caustics (light patterns). While most of the caustics are seemingly random, ten are specially created by the Rayform technology as a metaphor of the Master Blender's quest in selecting 10 of 10,000 eaux-de-vie to be part of Hennessy Paradis Impérial. This quest requires the utmost precision and finesse to reach the required subtlety of this exclusive cognac, which is mirrored by this art installation. Overall, it took more than 50 people and thousands of hours to complete.


The installation must be seen live to get the full experience but as it can only be seen by a few select visitors of the Founder's Cellar, the following videos allow to get some of the experience.